Congratulations! You’re a person with (an excellent) criterion deciding to be part of the family assuming the contribution of 100€ annually (10€ membership fee and 90€ donation). Also, take advantage of a discount of 30% on the contribution if you’re unemployed, if you’re a student under 26 or a pensioner, or are member of any of the organizations or groups with whom we have a collaboration agreement.
Because then you can say that you own a cinema, because you have the ID of Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman in the wallet, because you have 12 free tickets per year*, because you buy the tickets for 4€, because if you go to the movies once a month it already pays off and because you will enjoy many special benefits for members, including discounts in all types of shops, bars and restaurants from the island.
In addition, the contribution of €100 is integral for the project, while ticket box office only leaves a margin of around 33% (the rest has to be divided for VAT, copyright and exhibition). That’s why, through your contribution, you guarantee our existence, so we can continue offering the events and movies that have brought you here.
*Redeemable after the film's release week.
To join the family you can do it now by following this link.
But if you are someone who prefers to do so in person and looking into our eyes, here’s how to do it.
Don’t worry. We’d love to convince you (let things take their course) but meanwhile-and in spite of not having a nice Casablanca ID in your wallet- you’re more than welcome to come to CineCiutat, you can buy tickets at the box office and subscribe to our channels.
If you change your mind, you know, just WHISTLE.