Let’s save the Renoir! We shouted when we found out about the bad news.
One more cinema was turning its lights off but this time, it would not turn them back on for the next showing. With the closing of Renoir, Mallorca ran out of halls where you could enjoy ‘another kind of cinema’ in original version.
‘Everything will be fine’parents often say when it’s time to face the truth. We all felt this certainty that this time, the end, would be a happy one.
A number of citizens disguised as heroes, those that change the cape and mask for the shirt and jeans, got down to work and in less than three months, the lights turned on again, this time the neon light was making a new name dance: CineCiutat.
The street talked and talked loudly. Around 800 people, the initial 800 members, placed their hope, confidence and money-why fool ourselves? – knowing it was the fuel the cinema needed to start moving. Another 100 brave ones -besides the confidence, hope, and money- got to work immediately – and they keep working- for what today is our cinema. Thank you, volunteers, you are our feet and our hands!
Our operation is based on them, which is very simple: a Board of Directors (elected every two years by the assembly of members) is responsible for the general lines of the project, delegating the development of activities in the working committees. These six committees (Programming, Cinefilms -reruns-, Communication, Events, Educational and “Think Tank”) are composed of volunteer members of the association. Out of the people working in management daily, 6 are hired workers, responsible for the screening, ticket sales, administrative and accounting tasks, programming management and general management.
It’s been long enough to look back, even sideways, and see everything we have achieved: survive, live, project, see quality films, for you to see quality films, members, volunteers, medals, pride, heads up, and desire to do (many more) things.
CineCiutat, more than a cinema!
If you want more information about our project, here you can download our general brochure.